Read about Jean Tait, an aboriginal art therapist in Alberta Canada who just started a private practice.
In Chapel Hill, NC, the Art Therapy Institute teams up with the Newcomer Center, creating an art exhibit composed of the artwork of Burmese refugees. Read the article here.
NYU art professor and Goodwill Ambassador, Ross Bleckner, helps traumatized children in Uganda express their stories through art. There was a recent fundraiser/exhibit of the art pieces in New York. To read more about it, click here.
An article in Stars and Stripes describing how art therapy is being used with combat veterans in Europe.
Information regarding a grass roots art therapy organization called Nineonetwo in Savannah, GA.
Cadenza Center for Psychotherapy and the Arts, originally from Florida, just opened a new facility in downtown Hollywood, CA. There will be an open house on June 4th. A brief article is available here.
I was a little disappointed not to find the art therapist from the Stars and Stripes article listed on the AATA website… though I’m glad to hear art being included in this scenario. I’m sure it’s extremely healing!
Hmmmn…maybe its because the “art therapist” featured is actually a clinical social worker with 100 hours of artx training? AATA would likely oppose using the term art therapist in this case, since in the US art therapist is defined by the specific criteria used to qualify for the ATR license. For example, technically I cannot call myself an art therapist yet because I haven’t completed my post graduate hours (to be completed in less than 6 months, I hope!) So…maybe AATA left out the article on purpose? Or, perhaps they didn’t hear about the article? Donno.