
ATLIS Conference Panel – Makerspaces Beyond the Hype

45 minute panel discussion with myself, Dr. Ashley Cross, Director of Technology, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Day School, Tatyana Griffin Director of Educational Technology & xLab (MakerSpace) Coordinator, The College Preparatory School, Leigh Northrup Dean of Innovation and Technology, Cannon School, moderated by Sarah Rolle, Director of Technology, Elizabeth Morrow School.

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Deep Dive: Blended Learning

This 1.5 hour deep dive presentation was offered at the ATLIS Conference 2016 with ATLIS founder, Kelsey Vrooman.

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Launching a new Learning Management System: Change Management Strategies

Offered at the ATLIS Conference 2015 and as a Blackbaud K-12 webinar:

This presentation reviews how The Hamlin School transitioned from one Learning Management System to another. We will share what fueled the decision to switch systems, how we prepared faculty, staff, parents and students for this change, and how we managed the bumps along the way.

In addition, we reviewed what worked and what could have gone better with our implementation strategy.

Art Making and the iPad

Presented on December 7, 2014 as a part of the NorCATA winter conference.

I was asked back for a follow-up to the NorCATA presentation and iPad demo at the Union Square Apple store back in Jan 2012.I hafn’t been practicing art therapy for several years. So, my goal was not review the state of art therapy and technology, but rather to draw upon my experience teaching teachers how to integrate technology into the classroom. I reviewed how to research art making apps, how to assess their usefulness in a therapeutic context, learn some basic skills in Keynote, Book Creator, and Paper 53, and help attendees envision how to use art making apps within their therapeutic practices.

Union Square Apple Store iPad Demo

Presented on Feb 4th, 2012, this was a follow up to the Jan 29th talk for NorCATA at Fort Mason.

Staying on the forefront: Art Therapy, the Online Presence and New Technology

This is a HOT topic in the art therapy field, and this seminar was a smashing success!

    The online presence: an exploration of social media, privacy and professionalism.

  • What is an online presence and why you already have one.
  • LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Yelp—are they for art therapists too?
  • Guidelines on the safest ways to present your professional self online, including a discussion of online privacy.
  • New technology and what it means for the art therapy field:

  • What’s old and new in the digital art therapy world?
  • Why new technology isn’t a perfect substitute for traditional media…yet.
  • Why even your grandmother could learn how to use the newest technology.
  • How digital art therapy is important for our field.

Demystifying the Online Presence: Art Therapists and the Internet

Presented on August 4th, 2011, this presentation was a SlideShare Top 10!


It’s natural to feel skeptical or overwhelmed about the changing nature of social interaction and marketing. Although disregarding these changes may feel like the safe choice, this also limits your ability to network professionally, reach new clients and help others.

This seminar will address common questions asked by art therapists about the benefits and pitfalls of having a digital presence, giving you the tools to decide whether being available online is right for you. Topics include:

  • What it means to have an online presence, and how it’s useful
  • Common questions and concerns about having an online presence
  • Appropriate places for a therapist to build an online presence, including a discussion about Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
  • Why having a website is important
  • Why it’s important to keep your online content updated
  • What information is useful to include on a professional website
  • Simple guidelines to keep your professional online presence ethical