…because it’s very very useful for many many people!
ArtReach Project America
Thank you (again) to Sara Windrem for sending me this info!
Check out ArtReach Project America, based out of Atlanta, GA, which offers various forms of creative arts therapies groups for veterans. They’re up to some interesting projects, seminars and research, so be sure to check them out!
“The ArtReach Model™(Model) is a therapeutic approach that includes the integration of the creative arts used within a group setting that promotes a safe space.
This Model carefully fuses visual art, drama, music, movement and writing within the group dynamics. These components are seen as functions of the imagination. Each of these components makes its particular contribution to the overall efficacy of the Model.”
Study: Differences in the Artwork of Eating Disordered Women vs. Non-ED Women
From Science Daily, a joint study from the University of Haifa, Soroka University Medical Center and Achva Academic College, Israel, published in The Arts in Psychotherapy:
The neck: women suffering from anorexia or bulimia tended to draw a larger neck, a disconnected neck or no neck at all; The mouth: this feature was more emphasized in drawings by women suffering from anorexia or bulimia; The thighs: women with eating disorders drew wider thighs than the other groups in the study; The feet: women with eating disorders tended to draw pictures without feet or with disconnected feet. The study also revealed that self-figure drawings can differentiate between anorexic and bulimic women: those with anorexia tended to omit breasts from their drawings, drew less defined body lines and smaller figures relative to the page size.
Art Therapy Decision Time
Posted with Leia’s permission:
Hi Liz,
I have been following your blog for awhile and have found it incredibly helpful this past year. I’ve wanted to become an Art Therapist for years but have stayed in my current career (film industry) because of the convenience. I’m at a crossroads here and was wondering if I could get your advice.
I’ve been accepted into a program here in California (PGI) and am due to begin in the Fall but I recently have began to have some major doubts due to articles I’ve read and wondering if you could lend your insight and opinion here.
I’ve been reading on several blogs and articles about the discontent within the Art Therapist community about finding jobs that one can actually practice the “art therapy” rather than just being an MFT. I wouldn’t want to go through all that schooling to find that I am not actually practicing art therapy. The other complaint is the low pay (after spending 60K on grad school) not making the money back. Do you have any personal insight on this or through other Art Therapists you may know out there? I saw on one of your posts you put the salary at 45-65K…
My next question involves the family aspect. Do you know of any who have gone back to school while trying to start a family and how that has affected their path to practice? My partner and I want to start a family soon and I’m concerned how this will prolong getting through my internship and the lack of income for following years because of the delay it may cause in having the kids. Any insight on others who have managed this? And what to expect?
Lastly, I have been searching online for other routes (shorter and less costly) that would lead me to working with children and using art. Do you know if I can obtain an Art Therapy Credential along with a teaching credential? To teach art in california? I’m really open to any options or ideas at this point that involve children and art :)
I’m sorry to overwhelm with the long list of questions- you just seem to know quite a bit about all this. Any guidance, insight or ideas on any of the above would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Leia,
I’ve been thinking about your questions, and they’re difficult ones to answer in many ways.
The reality about being an art therapist is that in order to be marketable and have a wide range of job options, you definitely want to have an state license along with an ATR. You may have been picking up on some frustration art therapists express about the ATR not being able to stand on it’s own, and that it’s not a viable path towards obtaining a state license in many states.
The MFT is currently one state licensing option in California for mental health professionals. The ATR is a national license and is not recognized by insurance companies for reimbursement, meaning that if you were in private practice, you could take cash only. If you wanted a job in a hospital or another institution they would not hire you (at least not for the positions you’d want to qualify for) because they need you to have a state license in order for them to get paid, so they can then pay you. Also, once the LPCC license finally gets going in California, it’s my understanding that having only an ATR and being in private practice will not longer be legal, since all practitioners practicing counseling or providing therapeutic service will need to have a state license.
Most of the time, you can find a job that is asking for an MFT and integrate your art therapy skills into the job. When you’re doing a job interview, for example, you can talk about how the art therapy aspect is very important to you as a clinician and that it will be the primary orientation that you use in group and individual practice. Also, you can check to make sure they’d be willing to offer you some kind of an art supply budget, as well as a space where it’s ok to get messy and make art work. Many times art therapists have to be creative about budgeting and spacing issues. In my previous job, I didn’t have an art room, but I was able to get a cart that I used to store art supplies, which I wheeled into whatever group room that was available.
Salaries are a difficult thing to give an accurate picture of. It really depends on whether you’re working towards licensure or currently have a license and whether you’re working for a private or public institution, or in private practice. To start, in CA, I would expect to be making between $30-45K a year while you’re working towards licensure. But, that’s simply my experience, and others may have had a different salary range to start. I’ve seen job postings through the City of San Francisco for recreation therapists (art therapists sometimes find jobs under this title as well) making $75K to start…but those government jobs are highly competitive and few and far between. Plus, with the budget issues facing CA at the moment, I don’t think the inflated public sector salaries can last. But, who knows?
Your question about starting a family is something that resonates with me at the moment. I’m currently pregnant with twins, and I’m staring the earnings/work/life balance issue in the face. One of the major realities I had to come to terms with was the cost of childcare if I was to work outside of the home. Do you have family nearby? Would they be willing to care for your child while you’re working? If not, take a look at how much infant daycare or a nanny costs. Since I’m having two at once, it quickly became clear that I needed to find a way to work from home (hence the development of Liz Beck Designs) because otherwise I’d be spending my whole salary on childcare.
So, it’s very probable that starting a family will delay your ability to intern and get the hours needed to become licensed. It’s also possible that you can find part time intern positions to work towards your hours, which could delay licensure by a few years depending on how many hours you actually work. But don’t be discouraged—if you start planning today, saving and setting up your life so that family or friends can help, you should be able to make things work. Many women go back to school with young families and they make it work—so can you! You may want to post this question on one of the Art Therapy Alliance groups on LinkedIn and see what ideas others have.
I don’t think there’s any way to become an ATR without an MA in the psychology, counseling or art therapy field. Art therapy is rooted in psychology, and the restrictions for credentialing reflects this. The only fast track to getting an ATR is if you already have an MA or PhD in the field of psychology. Then you’d qualify for a certificate program. Pratt’s MPS in Art Therapy/Special Education program seems to integrate education and an art therapy degree, but again, this is a master’s degree and it’s based out of Brooklyn. Saint Mary of the Woods College offers an online degree, which maybe helpful for you? Check out the American Art Therapy Website for more information about educational requirements.
Unfortunately I have no clue about the requirements to becoming an art teacher in CA. Sorry! Try looking on craigslist for art teacher jobs and see if you’re asked to have a specific educational or credentialing requirements.
I hope this helps! Good luck!
– Liz
“Art Therapy” Installation by the Guggenheim
Is this parody helpful or hurtful for the art therapy profession? I wish I could experience the installation for myself so I could formulate an accurate opinion.
Loss of a Son and Soldier
“Diana Mihalakis was pursuing a sculpture degree at San Jose State University when she learned that her 18-year-old son, Mike, had died in Baghdad in 2003, the day after Christmas.
The loss was so traumatic, she put a hold on her educational plans. Three years later, too sad to make art, she enrolled in a poetry class on campus. The pieces she composed and recited for class helped her explore her pain and loss, eventually transitioning her back into sculpture. As a testament to the power of the poetry, she created accompanying sculptures of metal and glass that grew out of individual poems.”
View a video of Diana describing her artwork and poetry here.
For more information on this exhibit in San Jose, CA, running from June 3rd — 11th please check the Milpitas Patch here and here.
Technology for Psychologists
Check out this blog about technology and mobile aps for therapists and clients, by Sylvain Roy, PhD candidate in Neuroscience from Université de Montreal.
His most recent post is on mobile aps that can be used to offer social support for people with Anxiety, Depression and Bipolar disorder.
Adding Art Therapy to a Nursing Background
This question was posted with Stephanie’s permission:
“Hi Liz,
I stumbled upon your blog today because I was surfing the web about art therapy. I am currently a pediatric registered nurse in the process of changing my career. I’ve been looking into a MFT program with specialization in clinical art therapy at Loyola Marymount University. I have a passion for therapy in the family setting and children and never knew this degree or career existed! I did have a few questions as to how to start this journey. How do I find therapists that I can shadow? I’m also a little worried about the time and money (more so the money) involved that I would have to invest in so I want to make sure there are jobs out there for art therapists and MFTs. Could you please email me with some advice or resources that I can use to research more about this field? Thank you for your time and patience :)
Hi Stephanie!
Are you on LinkedIn? The Art Therapy Alliance has a bunch of sub-groups on LinkedIn with very active message boards. You may want to join one or more of these groups and ask if there are any art therapists in your area looking for a volunteer.
You also can look around for an art therapy oriented studio around LA. For example, in the Bay Area we have Creativity Explored, which is an art studio for developmentally disabled individuals. It’s not art psychotherapy, but volunteering at in a similar space will give you a good idea of what art-as-therapy is (also valid approach to art therapy).
At this point in California, getting licensed as an MFT is a must. After you’re done school and you’re doing your job search, you will most likely find jobs that are looking for MFT interns (they may not say they’re interested in art therapy), but during your interview, you can describe the added bonus that you’d bring to the job with your art therapy skills. That being said, there are some jobs out there specifically asking for art therapists, but the MFT portion will give you more range and choice in the jobs that you are qualified for.
Also, the fact that you’re a pediatric nurse is fantastic! There are many art therapists who work with medically compromised populations—in hospitals, in eating disorder clinics, etc…and your nursing background may prove to be very powerful in landing a job or even forging your way into new places that art therapy is not currently available.
Now for the money aspect…I can understand your concern with this. School is expensive, and then once you’re done your earning potential as an MFT will take a long while to match your current earnings as an RN. In California, while you’re working towards getting licensed you will most likely be in the 30-45K/year range. After you get your MFT, your salary will go up, and if you land a job working for the city or the state, the salaries are very inflated at this point, meaning that your earning potential will be at least double than the private sector…at least for now (we’ll see what kinds of cuts are in store). In your case, however, I suspect that your RN license will change your earning potential for the better, even before you obtain your MFT. Maybe you will find an art therapist with a similar background to guide you more in this matter on one of the Art Therapy Alliance’s message boards?
In terms of student loan repayment, there are jobs your can take once you’re licensed that will lead to student loan forgiveness. Check out this post for more information.
Also be sure to read Cathy Malchiodi’s 6 blog posts on art therapy education, job prospects and licensing issues.
Thank you for writing! I hope this helps clarify things for you.
Warm Regards,
– Liz
Follow Me on Twitter!
So…I finally got a twitter account :) My blog posts will directly feed into this account, so you can use twitter instead of an RSS subscription, and I’ll be posting new and different tidbits too!
See you on Twitter!
Art Therapy Without Borders Advisory Council Interviews
Check out the latest ATWB Advisory Council interview with Gloria Simoneaux.
Also, here’s a link to the older interviews with Laury Rappaport, Elizabeth Warson, (Paul) Lee Thiam Seng and Rebekah Chilcote.
A great group of art therapists brought together by Cathy Malchiodi and Gretchen Miller, founders of ATWB.